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Registration & Contact Us

You can still register! Availability may be limited. But better late than never!! How can you register? Sent us an e-mail to and you will receive a registration form to complete your registration and sent it back to us. Or download it here,...

Da Costa Gomez Family Reuinion, 2014!

From August 1st till August 5th 2014, the Da Costa Gomez family on the beautiful island of Curaçao (Dutch Caribbean) will be organizing a family reunion for all the Da Costa Gomez from all over the world.It is our great pleasure to invite you to this big event. We...


‘Quay of Trade’: this typical Curacao skyline is recognized worldwide. It’s also part of the UNESCO  World Heritage List.
Beach BBQ

Beach BBQ

Sunday, August 3rd, 12.30pm-5.30pm: BBQ at the beautiful Santa Cruz Beach. The ‘Island Tour’ ends here, but you can also find your own way to the fun and the food!